Better Sex, Better Health, Better LIfe
Interactive User Guide to resources on weekly pages
A quick listing of recommended supplements.
The recommended supplements are listed with daily usage.  Further supplement details
are available via text links in the listing.  All recommended supplements can be purchased
easily through our Nutrametrix page.  Enjoy home delivery of top quality guaranteed
supplements at low prices without the hassle.  Use the Nutrametrix item numbers listed
here for even faster service.  Prefer to purchase your supplements elsewhere?  No problem,
details on what to buy are readily available here with more details listed at the Nutrametrix
site with no obligation.  

Sample of supplement listing
One serving of Pycnogenol (80mg)         (HF QuikShop: OPC-3,  Item #13810)

Don't want to wait for convenient home delivery through Nutrametrix?  
This weeks supplements available for immediate pick-up at the McClung Clinic office.   
Sexual fitness
List of daily exercises for use this week including set and rep specifications:
Text links provide easy reference to instructions for proper performance of every exercise.  
Exercise sets and reps change as the programs progresses, double check each weekly
update for new exercise additions as well as set and rep adjustments.

Sample of exercise listing
Side Lunge Reach (10 per leg alternate legs with each rep)
Learning Center
The Better Sex, Better Health, Better Life program is based on the best selling book,  
'The Hardness Factor', by Steven Lamm, M.D..  In the Learning Center section we have
listed various resources from the book for your reference.  Text links once again link
to the various book excerpts.  Two meal plans are provided each week in the book for
you to try.  Use the meal text link for access to complete easy to use recipes and enjoy
fine dining and great nutrition.

Of course, there is a great deal more information in the book than you will find in The
Learning Center.   The book should be available at local bookstores.  You need not
purchase the book to complete the program.

So, if you are ready to get started click on Week One and you're off.

Samples of Learning Center listing
Five Nutritional Steps to maximize Hardness
Two exciting meals created by Chef Waldy Malouf
MAXLife  System
Better Sex, Better Health, Better LIfe
MaxLife Progress
MaxLife Cuisine
Look Ahead
In the side bar of each
weekly page you'll see the
same links as are below.  Dr.
Lamm is very big on
measuring results, use our
tracking guide through the
Progress link.   View and/or
print, even share each
weeks special recipes
quickly through the Cuisine
link.  A quick overview of
next week is available
through Look Ahead.